S.No. | Department/ Office / Services | Website Address |
1.� | Panjab University Main Website | puchd.ac.in |
2.� | Panjab University Main Website | pu.ac.in |
3.� | A. C. Joshi Library / Main Library | library.puchd.ac.in |
4.� | Baba Balraj Panjab University Constituent College | bbpucc.puchd.ac.in |
5.� | Bhai Ghanaiya Ji Institue of Health | bgjih.puchd.ac.in |
6.� | Bhai Ghanaiya Ji Institue of Health | healthcentre.puchd.ac.in |
7.� | Bhai Vir Singh Chair | bvsc.puchd.ac.in |
8.� | Campus Students - Student Notices, orders | campusstudent.puchd.ac.in |
9.� | Central Animal House | animalhouse.puchd.ac.in |
10.� | Central Placement Cell | centralplacement.puchd.ac.in |
11.� | Central Placement Cell | cpc.puchd.ac.in |
12.� | Centre for Distance and Online Learning (CDOE) formerly known as University School of Open Learning (USOL) | usol.puchd.ac.in |
13.� | Centre for Human Rights & Duties | humanrights.puchd.ac.in |
14.� | Centre for IAS & Other Competitive Examinations | cias.puchd.ac.in |
15.� | Centre for IAS & Other Competitive Examinations | iasc.puchd.ac.in |
16.� | Centre for Industry Institute Partnership Programme | ciipp.puchd.ac.in |
17.� | Centre for Medical Physics | medicalphysics.puchd.ac.in |
18.� | Centre for Nuclear Medicine | nuclearmedicine.puchd.ac.in |
19.� | Centre for Police Administratio | policeadministration.puchd.ac.in |
20.� | Centre for Public Health | publichealth.puchd.ac.in |
21.� | Centre for Skill Development & Entrepreneurship | csde.puchd.ac.in |
22.� | Centre for Social Work | socialwork.puchd.ac.in |
23.� | Centre for Swami Vivekananda Studies | csvs.puchd.ac.in |
24.� | Centre for Systems Biology and Bioinformatics | systembiology.puchd.ac.in |
25.� | Centre for Systems Biology and Bioinformatics | systemsbiology.puchd.ac.in |
26.� | Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy | csseip.puchd.ac.in |
27.� | Centre of Excellence in Nano Applications | cena.puchd.ac.in |
28.� | Centre with Potential for Excellence in Particular Area | cpepa.puchd.ac.in |
29.� | Chandigarh Region Innovation & Knowledge Cluster | crikc.puchd.ac.in |
30.� | Cluster Innovation Centre in Biotechnology | cicb.puchd.ac.in |
31.� | College Development Council | dcdc.puchd.ac.in |
32.� | Colloquium | seminar.puchd.ac.in |
33.� | Computer Centre | cc.puchd.ac.in |
34.� | Computer Centre | computercentre.puchd.ac.in |
35.� | Dayanand Chair for Vedic Studie | dcvs.puchd.ac.in |
36.� | Dayanand Chair for Vedic Studies | dayanand.puchd.ac.in |
37.� | Dean International Students | dfs.puchd.ac.in |
38.� | Dean International Students | dis.puchd.ac.in |
39.� | Dean of University Instruction | dui.puchd.ac.in |
40.� | Department cum Centre for Women's Studies & Development | cwsd.puchd.ac.in |
41.� | Department cum National Centre for Human Genome Studies and Research | humangenome.puchd.ac.in |
42.� | Department cum National Centre for Human Genome Studies and Research | nchgsr.puchd.ac.in |
43.� | Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology | aihca.puchd.ac.in |
44.� | Department of Anthropology | anthro.puchd.ac.in |
45.� | Department of Anthropology | anthropology.puchd.ac.in |
46.� | Department of Arts History & Visual Arts | ahva.puchd.ac.in |
47.� | Department of Arts History & Visual Arts | finearts.puchd.ac.in |
48.� | Department of Biochemistry | biochemistry.puchd.ac.in |
49.� | Department of Biophysics | biophysics.puchd.ac.in |
50.� | Department of Biotechnology | biotechnology.puchd.ac.in |
51.� | Department of Botany | botany.puchd.ac.in |
52.� | Department of Chemistry | chemistry.puchd.ac.in |
53.� | Department of Chinese and Tibetan Languages | ctl.puchd.ac.in |
54.� | Department of Chinese and Tibetan Languages | chinese-tibetan.puchd.ac.in |
55.� | Department of Community Education and Disability Studies | ceds.puchd.ac.in |
56.� | Department of Computer Science & Applications | dcsa.puchd.ac.in |
57.� | Department of Defence and National Security Studies | defencestudies.puchd.ac.in |
58.� | Department of Economics | economics.puchd.ac.in |
59.� | Department of Education | education.puchd.ac.in |
60.� | Department of English & Cultural Studies | english.puchd.ac.in |
61.� | Department of Environment Studies | devs.puchd.ac.in |
62.� | Department of Evening Studies | des.puchd.ac.in |
63.� | Department of Evening Studies | evenedu.puchd.ac.in |
64.� | Department of French and Francophone Studies | french.puchd.ac.in |
65.� | Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies | gandhianstudies.puchd.ac.in |
66.� | Department of Geography | geography.puchd.ac.in |
67.� | Department of Geology | geology.puchd.ac.in |
68.� | Department of German | german.puchd.ac.in |
69.� | Department of Guru Nanak Sikh Studies | gnss.puchd.ac.in |
70.� | Department of Hindi | hindi.puchd.ac.in |
71.� | Department of History | history.puchd.ac.in |
72.� | Department of Indian Theatre | indiantheatre.puchd.ac.in |
73.� | Department of Laws | laws.puchd.ac.in |
74.� | Department of Library & Information Science | libraryscience.puchd.ac.in |
75.� | Department of Library & Information Science | libsc.puchd.ac.in |
76.� | Department of Life Long Learning and Extension | lifelonglearning.puchd.ac.in |
77.� | Department of Mathematics | maths.puchd.ac.in |
78.� | Department of Microbial Biotechnology | microbialbiotechnology.puchd.ac.in |
79.� | Department of Microbiology | microbio.puchd.ac.in |
80.� | Department of Microbiology | microbiology.puchd.ac.in |
81.� | Department of Music | music.puchd.ac.in |
82.� | Department of Philosophy | philosophy.puchd.ac.in |
83.� | Department of Physical Education | phyedu.puchd.ac.in |
84.� | Department of Physical Education | physicaleducation.puchd.ac.in |
85.� | Department of Physics | physics.puchd.ac.in |
86.� | Department of Political Science | politicalscience.puchd.ac.in |
87.� | Department of Political Science | polsc.puchd.ac.in |
88.� | Department of Psychology | psychology.puchd.ac.in |
89.� | Department of Public Administration | pub-admn.puchd.ac.in |
90.� | Department of Public Administration | publicadministration.puchd.ac.in |
91.� | Department of Punjabi | punjabi.puchd.ac.in |
92.� | Department of Russian | russian.puchd.ac.in |
93.� | Department of Sanskrit | sanskrit.puchd.ac.in |
94.� | Department of Sociology | sociology.puchd.ac.in |
95.� | Department of Statistics | statistics.puchd.ac.in |
96.� | Department of Statistics | stats.puchd.ac.in |
97.� | Department of Urdu | urdu.puchd.ac.in |
98.� | Department of Youth Welfare | youthwelfare.puchd.ac.in |
99.� | Department of Zoology | zoology.puchd.ac.in |
100.� | Dialog, a fully peer-reviewed, bi-annual international journal of the Department of English and Cultural Studies | dialog.puchd.ac.in |
101.� | Director Research Promotion Cell | rpc.puchd.ac.in |
102.� | Directorate of Sports | sports.puchd.ac.in |
103.� | Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre | ambedkarcentre.puchd.ac.in |
104.� | Dr. Harvansh Singh Judge Institute of Dental Sciences & Hospital | dentalsciences.puchd.ac.in |
105.� | Dr. Harvansh Singh Judge Institute of Dental Sciences & Hospital | bds.puchd.ac.in |
106.� | Dr. S. S. Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology | cet.puchd.ac.in |
107.� | Dr. S. S. Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology | uicet.puchd.ac.in |
108.� | DST - Centre for Policy Research | cpr.puchd.ac.in |
109.� | DST Inspire Internship Program Centre | inspire.puchd.ac.in |
110.� | Energy Research Centre | erc.puchd.ac.in |
111.� | Finance and Accounts - Provident Fund, Salary, Budget, Pension, Grants and Planning, Fee Checking, Expenditure and Planning | accounts.puchd.ac.in |
112.� | Guru Ravi Das Chair of Sant Sahitya Studie | grdcsss.puchd.ac.in |
113.� | Human Resource Development Centre / Academic Staff College | hrdc.puchd.ac.in |
114.� | Institute Of Educational Technology & Vocational Education | ietve.puchd.ac.in |
115.� | Institute of Forensic Science & Criminology | ifsc.puchd.ac.in |
116.� | Institute of Forensic Science & Criminology | forensic.puchd.ac.in |
117.� | Institute of Social Science Education and Research | isser.puchd.ac.in |
118.� | Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) | iqac.puchd.ac.in |
119.� | Jyotirgamaya: 91.2 MHz - Panjab University Community Radio Station | radiostation.puchd.ac.in |
120.� | NEP (Sciences) | nepsciences.puchd.ac.in |
121.� | P.U. Extension Library | puel.puchd.ac.in |
122.� | P.U. Regional Centre - Ludhiana | purcl.puchd.ac.in |
123.� | P.U. Regional Centre - Muktsar | purcm.puchd.ac.in |
124.� | P.U. Rural Centre Kauni | purckauni.puchd.ac.in |
125.� | P.U. Swami Sarvanand Giri Regional Centre | purch.puchd.ac.in |
126.� | P.U. Swami Sarvanand Giri Regional Centre | ssgpurc.puchd.ac.in |
127.� | P.U. Swami Sarvanand Giri Regional Centre | ssgpurch.puchd.ac.in |
128.� | Panjab University Constituent College (Guru Har Sahai) | puccghs.puchd.ac.in |
129.� | Panjab University Constituent College, Nihal Singh Wala, Moga | ccnsw.puchd.ac.in |
130.� | Panjab University Constituent College, Sikhwala | puccs.puchd.ac.in |
131.� | Panjab University Directory | directory.puchd.ac.in |
132.� | Panjab University Examination - Controller of Examinations, CET Cell, Conduct Branch, Revaluation Branch, Secrecy, UMC | examinations.puchd.ac.in |
133.� | Panjab University Examination - Controller of Examinations, CET Cell, Conduct Branch, Revaluation Branch, Secrecy, UMC | exams.puchd.ac.in |
134.� | Panjab University Examination Results | results.puchd.ac.in |
135.� | Panjab University Examination Results ( OLD ) | results2.puchd.ac.in |
136.� | Panjab University Forms | forms.puchd.ac.in |
137.� | Panjab University Hostels | hostels.puchd.ac.in |
138.� | Panjab University News | news.puchd.ac.in |
139.� | Panjab University Research Journal (Arts) PURJA | purja.puchd.ac.in |
140.� | Panjab University Research Journal (Science) | purjs.puchd.ac.in |
141.� | Panjab University Research Journal (Social Science) | purjss.puchd.ac.in |
142.� | Population Research Centre | prc.puchd.ac.in |
143.� | PU Admission - Prospectus for and University Admission Notice | admissions.puchd.ac.in |
144.� | PU Intranet | punet.pu.ac.in |
145.� | PU Intranet | punet.puchd.ac.in |
146.� | PU Oral History Project | oralhistory.puchd.ac.in |
147.� | PU Photo Gallery | gallery.puchd.ac.in |
148.� | PU Staff Club | pustaffclub.puchd.ac.in |
149.� | Publication Bureau | publication.puchd.ac.in |
150.� | Publication Bureau | publicationbureau.puchd.ac.in |
151.� | Registrar - Registrar Office, General Branch, Legal Cell, Estate Branch, R&S | administration.puchd.ac.in |
152.� | Registrar - Registrar Office, General Branch, Legal Cell, Estate Branch, R&S | registrar.puchd.ac.in |
153.� | Right to Information (RTI) Cell | rti.puchd.ac.in |
154.� | SC/ST Cell | scst.puchd.ac.in |
155.� | School of Communication Studies | masscomm.puchd.ac.in |
156.� | School of Communication Studies | scs.puchd.ac.in |
157.� | Senate, Syndicate | senatesyndicate.puchd.ac.in |
158.� | Sheikh Baba Farid Chair | sbfc.puchd.ac.in |
159.� | Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Facility, CIL and UCIM | rsic.puchd.ac.in |
160.� | Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Facility, CIL and UCIM | saif.puchd.ac.in |
161.� | Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Facility, CIL and UCIM | ucim.puchd.ac.in |
162.� | Stem Cell & Tissue Engineering | stemcell.puchd.ac.in |
163.� | Swachh Bharat Abhiyan | swachhbharatabhiyan.puchd.ac.in |
164.� | University Business School | ubs.puchd.ac.in |
165.� | University Business School - Ludhiana | ubsl.puchd.ac.in |
166.� | University Business School Placement Cell | ubsplacement.puchd.ac.in |
167.� | University Institute of Applied Management Sciences | uiams.puchd.ac.in |
168.� | University Institute of Engineering & Technology | uiet.puchd.ac.in |
169.� | University Institute of Fashion Technology & Vocational Development | uift.puchd.ac.in |
170.� | University Institute Of Hotel And Tourism Management | uihtm.puchd.ac.in |
171.� | University Institute Of Hotel And Tourism Management | uihmt.puchd.ac.in |
172.� | University Institute of Laws - Ludhiana | uil.puchd.ac.in |
173.� | University Institute of Legal Studies | uils.puchd.ac.in |
174.� | University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences | pharma.puchd.ac.in |
175.� | University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences | uips.puchd.ac.in |
176.� | University Jobs - Establishment Branch | jobs.puchd.ac.in |
177.� | University School of Open Learning | dcs.puchd.ac.in |
178.� | University School of Open Learning | distanceedu.puchd.ac.in |
179.� | University Tenders | tenders.puchd.ac.in |
180.� | Vigilance Cell | cvo.puchd.ac.in |
181.� | Vishveshvaranand Vishwa Bandhu Institute of Sanskrit and Indological Studies | vvbisis.puchd.ac.in |
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